Ventus Liddell didn’t know how he got stuck in this situation…! Okay, so maybe that was a lie…And maybe the blonde knew exactly how…but still, he couldn’t believe it! One second, he was in the garden and the next, he was falling down a huge hole.

Ventus could have sworn that it came out of nowhere! And he would know since he spent a lot of time watering the plants, much to his parents’ disapproval. They always told him to let the servants do all the ‘common’ work. After all, he was one of the heirs of the Liddell estate, one of the richest and most influential families in the world. And since Ven was part of such an oh so important family, he had to marry someone with a high status…which meant a loveless and arranged marriage.
The first thing his parents told him this morning was that he was going to meet his so-called fiancé they arranged for him later today. At that moment, the youngest Liddell knew exactly what he had to do. Take responsibility and fulfill his duty for the sake of the family! Well…at least that’s what Ventus knew he had to do…not that he had much of a choice.
Don’t get met wrong…I would do anything for my family but…I mean if I could decide–well, of course I would want to find true love–who wouldn’t?
Ven decided to hide in the garden to be alone for now. He was watering the flowers when he noticed something…strange. A cat. A pink cat…with purple stripes and a bell collar. Ventus couldn’t help but try and get a closer look, curiosity getting the better of him. The cat meowed at him (and Ven swore it looked like it smirked at him too) before running away and the next thing he knew, he was chasing after the kitten. It was like a cat and mouse chase except the opposite!
Ventus didn’t remember how long or how far he followed the animal, but every time he thought he lost it, it would pop its head out and purr at him, like it was laughing at him and like it wanted to be caught. He couldn’t help but laugh without a care in the world. He was having so much fun and he felt so free! Looking around he found the kitten licking himself in the middle of the field. Now was his chance! Ven charged forward and just as he was about to grab the cat, the ground underneath them disappeared and he suddenly found himself falling…which was how he landed
(well, more like fell)
into this…
“Hey Ven! Do you want more tea or cake?” Ventus snapped out of his thoughts and turned to the boy with rabbit ears, because apparently it was normal to have animal ears and tails here.
“Oh! Sorry Sora! No thanks, I’m good!” When Ventus woke up, the kitten was gone, and he found himself wearing a frilly blue and white dress with a big black bow in his hair. Ven would have been more concerned about this if he wasn’t lost. At first, he thought he was at a normal house and forest, but after seeing the talking door, shrinking from drinking a bottle, and seeing the colorful and huge plants, it was safe to say this wasn’t Earth.
After wandering around, he bumped into the March Hare, the Madhatter, and the Knave of Hearts having a tea party. Suspiciously, they looked exactly like his friends and older twin…they even had the same names! Sora, Riku, and Roxas! But they didn’t seem to know Ventus at all! Still, they were kind enough to invite him for tea and answer his questions. Apparently, this was Wonderland, where the impossible was possible. Ventus would have been excited to explore a new world, but how the heck was he supposed to return home!?
It was all that stupid cat’s fault!
“Miss me?” A seductive voice purred in Ventus’ ear without warning, causing him
to freeze as he suppressed a shiver. Ven forced himself to snap out of the trance
and turned around to see…a human wearing leather and a bell collar…with pierced pink and purple cat ears…and a bushy tail…! It couldn’t be…!?
“Oh, hey Vanitas. Here to crash the party?” Roxas rolled his eyes and raised his cup casually to acknowledge the newcomer before drinking some tea and turning back to pay attention to Sora.
Riku gave Vanitas a small smile to greet the other before turning to explain, “Ventus, this is one of our friends, the Cheshire Cat. Maybe he can help you find your way back home.” The Madhatter said with hope in his expression before joining the Hare and the Knave’s conversation, leaving the other two alone.
“W-Wait! Y-You! You’re the…!” Ventus couldn’t even finish his sentence, completely embarrassed and flustered since Vanitas was the kitten from earlier.
“Yes, me. Didn’t expect you to follow me to Wonderland,” Vanitas grinned cockily at Ventus and started to circle around the boy as if he was his prey. Ven bit back his retort since he didn’t want to be rude, but he couldn’t help but glare at the over confident kitten.
“Feisty, aren’t you? You’re cute. I like you.”
“C-Cute!?” Ven repeated with mortification written all over his cherry red face. He puffed his cheeks and pouted at the raven while crossing his arms in anger. “I am not cute!”
“Yeah, you are.”
“No, I’m not!”
“Sure, whatever you say. Anyways, hold on tight.”
“Huh?” Before Ventus could ask what Vanitas meant, he felt himself being lifted from the ground. The stupid humanoid cat was carrying him…bridal style like some girl. Ven opened his mouth to yell at the dumb kitten, but a terrified scream came out instead when Vanitas started jumping up on the tree branches. He swore he saw the other three smile and wave at him before drinking
more tea.
Ven held on tight to the Cheshire Cat like his life depended on it, burying his face in his kidnapper’s broad chest as Vanitas traveled swiftly.
I’m going to die! For goodness sakes Ventus! WAKE UP! Why can’t I wake up from this crazy nightmare! How long is this going to las—
“Hey, we’re here.” Vanitas gently whispered in Ventus’ ear to comfort and soothe the poor frightened boy.
“H-Huh?” Ventus squeaked out and hesitantly opened his eyes.
“You can let go now,” Vanitas smirked and chuckled softly as he looked down at Ven. “Not that I mind holding onto you longer.” The kitten purred before boldly and shamelessly licking Ventus’ earlobe.
It took a few seconds before Ventus registered what the cat said and did. He started to blush and struggled to find his words so Ven decided to change the topic so that he could stop making a fool of himself. He immediately noticed a castle and a fountain surrounded with bright red blooming roses. Ventus couldn’t help but be amazed by the beauty of it all.
“W-Wow, where are we?”
“Where does it look like? A garden. Anyways, here, catch,” Vanitas threw a paint brush at Ventus who almost failed to catch it, “Help me paint the roses.”
“P-Paint the roses!? Why!?”
“Why not? Too much red for my liking. Besides, black and white are cooler.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to gro—”
“Nah, it’s more fun this way.” Vanitas interrupted nonchalantly with a shrug. The kitten turned to Ven’s direction and noticed his hesitation, causing him to smile smugly. “Come on, stop being a goody-two-shoes. No one’s watching so you don’t have to care about acting all proper and stuff like that. Break some rules! Do the unthinkable!”
“Oh, I get it. You’re just scared I’ll paint more roses than you.”
“W-What!? No, I’m not!”
“Then prove it,” The Cheshire Cat snorted and held out a bucket filled with white paint. “Paint more roses than me.”
“I will!” Ventus huffed and snatched the bucket from Vanitas and started to quickly paint some roses white, determined to prove the kitten wrong. Vanitas didn’t fall far behind and started painting roses black while humming cheerfully.
After a while, Ven started to realize how fun and relaxing this actually was—smiling broadly at his hard work before turning to see how Vanitas was faring…his mouth dropping open in shock when he saw how many more the kitten had painted.
How did that dumb kitten paint so many more roses than I did?! I can’t forget about the competition, come on Ventus!
Before Ventus could turn back around to try and catch up, he noticed that Vanitas was whipping his bucket to chuck paint at the roses…
Ven knew it was childish and petty, but he couldn’t stop himself from whipping his paint brush, splattering Vanitas in white paint. He started laughing when he realized how ridiculous the cat looked covered in random specks of paint.
“Oh?” Vanitas purred and started walking towards Ventus with his black paint brush. “Is that how you want to play?”
“W-Wait Vani…D-Don’t!” Ven laughed, already regretting what he did as he was covered with splatters of black paint from a triumphant Vanitas.
“Stupid cat, take that!” He shouted with glee as he flicked his brush again. Soon the couple abandoned their original competition and started having a paint fight!
What is this feeling?
Vanitas…Vanitas makes me feel so free and alive! It’s like…I’ve been missing something before…but now that Vanitas is here…I feel—complete and whole. Like who I am really meant to be, like I’m right where I belong…
At some point during their fight, the kitten grabbed ahold of Ventus’ hands and after a few failed attempts of escaping from him, the pair started laughing and prancing around, their hands still connected together…It was almost as if they were dancing! At one point Vanitas even twirled him around with one hand…and all Ven could think was how much he never wanted this moment to end.
I want this moment to last forever…
“Freeze!” A big (walking and talking?) card with a face shouted at them. “You’re trespassing on the King of Hearts’ Garden!”
“What did they do to the King’s roses!?” Another armored card yelled in horror, gripping its lance tighter to control its anger.
“Well fiddlesticks,” Vanitas hissed under his breath.
“H-Huh!? I thought these were your roses!”
“I never said that.”
“W-What…!? Vanitas!” Ventus cried out with confusion and panic. He did not want to get arrested or executed in another world.
“Relax, nobody likes the King anyways. Now, less talking, more holding onto me.” Before Ventus could process what Vanitas said, he was already being carried bridal style as the kitten ran and jumped away from the deck of cards chasing after them. Some of them started throwing their spears at them, luckily missing since Vanitas was easily dodging them. Ventus suddenly felt Vanitas stop in front of…a huge hole in the ground…
“This will take you back home…”
“W-What!? I’m not jumping into that! D-Don’t throw me in there! W-What if…!?”
“Do you trust me?”
Ventus stopped panicking when he heard Vanitas call out to him with such softness…He looked at the cat’s golden eyes and he could see how serious and sincere he was being…Ventus closed his eyes before opening them with newfound confidence.
“Yeah. I trust you, Vani.”
“Good. Close your eyes.” Ventus did what he was told and immediately felt soft lips brush against his own…Did Vanitas just steal his first kiss!? Ven was about to open his eyes until he felt himself falling again…but this time, strong arms were wrapped around him in a tight embrace…he felt so safe and comfortable…
Ventus’ eyes snapped open as he felt his body jolt awake.
What happened!? Where is Vanitas!?
Ventus hurriedly looked around and felt his heart break at the sight of nothing but green.
Was it all a dream!? Did I really just fall asleep in the middle of the garden!? Why do I feel so…so empty inside…?
“Ahem.” Someone fake coughed to get Ven out of his thoughts and to get his attention.
It worked as Ventus looked up and gasped, relief and happiness reflecting in his smile.
“Your parents told me I would find you here. I’m the heir of the Cheshire family and your fiancé, Vanitas.” The ‘stranger’ who coincidentally resembled the Cheshire Cat bowed before walking
towards the smaller boy.
“V-Vani…!?” Ven hesitantly whispered with hope as he stood up to meet with the heir. In his haste to stand he felt himself tripping, and would have fallen if it wasn’t for Vanitas’ arm wrapped around his waist, catching him before he got hurt. Ventus felt his heart flutter as he was pulled close into a familiar embrace, a hot breath tickling his ear as Vanitas leaned in…
“Miss me?”
Collaborative artwork
created by

Story by Chibier