The rumble of thunder and the pitter patter of rain on a window was something most people enjoy, something some souls yearn for. Ventus is not one of them. At the first sound of rain tapping the window Ventus’ eyes creaked open. Sleep had been hard to come by anyways, it was no surprise something as gentle at the start of a rainfall had him sitting up. He stared around the dark room, blanket pooling around his waist while he listened to the rain fall faster.
An anxiety began to creep up his throat. He wasn’t afraid of the rain. He wasn’t a fan of it, but it wasn’t a fear…but he did know someone else…someone that feared what came with a rainstorm. He knew he had to wait. This could be just a simple rainfall, it could be nothing. Ven wouldn’t be welcomed without reason, they weren’t quite there yet. He was working on it…
The first rumble of thunder had Ven pushing the blankets from his legs, had him slip from the warmth of his bed and make his way to the room across the way. A flash of light and Ventus threw careful and quiet out the window, sneaking through the crack in the door to see a lump on the bed.
Another rumble of thunder almost drowned out his voice, “Vanitas?”
Golden eyes peeked out of the blanket he’d been hiding under. He was pressed to the corner of the bed which was at least an upgrade to the last time it had stormed.
He hadn’t folded himself under the bed or in the corner of the closet. The other didn’t say anything and Ven took careful clear steps toward him, letting him know that he was coming over and Vanitas only had to tell him to stop and he would.
He didn’t say a word, and Ven perched on the edge of the bed as the storm outside hit its zenith. Ventus knew the storm would last a long time.
He could feel the tension under the sheets as Vanitas stared at him. He took a long minute to find his voice, “What’re you
doin’ awake.”
Ven smiled, looking at his hands that were starting to go numb from the cold, “I thought you might like some company, if you were awake.”
I was lonesome. I knew you would need someone. I wanted to be with you.
The thunder was starting to rock the house and Ven felt the bed shaking.
“Don’t lie.” Vanitas growls, slowly releasing his clawed grip on his blanket.
Ven hummed and took that as a sign he could get closer, so he did. He settled up right beside Vanitas, who just threw the other half of his blanket over him, grumbling something about cold bodies.
“Alright, I woke up and wanted to be with you. Even more when I heard it get worse outside. I thought you would want company, but would be too stubborn to seek me out. So I found you instead.” he took one of Vanitas’s warm hands in his own, smiling as the other hissed and pulled him closer.
“You just wanted a warm body, you damn icicle.” He grumbled and started fussing over getting his blanket around Ventus. He didn’t fight him, grateful for the warmth being wrapped around him and the welcome into Vanitas’s space. It was as much an admittance to wanting his company as Ven knew he would get.
When the thunder rumbled loud and lightning shook their home, Vanitas’s hands clenched tight, his eyes following, every line filled with tension. Ventus took both of his hands and rubbed the fists loose, pressing his forehead to the others. Slowly, Vanitas opened his eyes and looked into Ven’s.
They didn’t say anything. They stared and stayed and Vanitas began to lose the tension in his body even as the thunder continued to rumble and lightning continued to flash. The rain sounded like rocks but he had an anchor now. He wasn’t left adrift and he closed his eyes in a slow blink , taking a deep breath. When they opened once more he leaned up to press a kiss to Ventus’s forehead.
A silent thank you.
Ven could only smile, pressing a kiss of his own to Vanitas’s cheek. “Come on.” his voice was quiet as he shifted once more, leaning against the headboard and patting his legs.
Vanitas stared for a moment then took a loose blanket and wrapped it around Ven before settling back down, using the blonde’s lap as his pillow. Any fear he might have held onto for the duration of the raging storm outside was soothed by Ventus’s hand in his hair and soft voice in his ear, lulling him back to safety, back to sleep where not even nightmares tried to reach him.
The storm raged on around them. Ven kept vigilant all night. His hand never left the other’s hair and his eyes never felt the weight of sleep touch them. He watched the rain whip around outside, watched as the bright flashes of lightning illuminated the room. He counted the hours until the sun would come up and was prepared when it did, and the day began gloomy- the rain hadn’t stopped. It seemed the lightning had though, which was a step in the right direction.
The body beside him didn’t flinch with the flashes or jerk with the rumbles. He remained calm. Restful. Ven couldn’t fight the relief slowly seeping into his bones. He tucked himself further into the borrowed blanket and kept his eyes on the other.
Vanitas eventually shifted, an eye cracking open long enough to manhandle Ven down beside him, wrapping his arms around the blonde like a teddy bear. His voice was still rough with sleep, “We’re not doing anything today. Get some sleep…and…thank you.”
Ventus couldn’t fight his smile and he pressed a soft kiss to Vanitas’s collarbone, cuddling into the other’s chest. His voice whisper soft, “Anytime, Vani.”
Vanitas wasn’t the type that returned favors. He didn’t go out of his way for others, and he didn’t pay attention to other people’s feelings.
With one exception. He didn’t go out of his way for Ventus, he was still kind of mean to him really, and he didn’t return favors. But when he woke with a weird feeling, he followed the pull and found himself outside of Ven’s room. He hesitated with his hand reaching for the knob. His stomach tightened as he twisted it and stepped into the
dark room.
Ventus didn’t like the dark.
Where was his light? Vanitas stepped, shadow light into the room, looking for the little light Ven kept plugged in at all times. It was still plugged in, so why- ah…that explained the lack and overabundance of sound.
Their power was out.
He peeked out the window and it seemed to be out all over their neighborhood, the sounds of pets and cars were loud in the silence. Ven’s whimper was louder still.
Vanitas turned and carefully approached the sleeping figure. He didn’t know how to wake him without fear, but he was already afraid and Vanitas couldn’t help him in his dreams. He crouched by his face, “Ven.”
He didn’t whisper, and Ventus only tensed. He reached out and gently shook the other, repeating his name a bit louder. Ven only whimpered more. With a final, more violent shake Ventus’s eyes snapped open and he gasped in air. Vanitas held his wrists and talked him down from his fear.
Ven’s green eyes were wild and unfocused, slowly coming to land on Vanitas’s own, clarity coming back to them.
“Vani..?” his voice was soft and it broke in the middle.
Vanitas nodded and petted his blonde hair, “Scoot over.”
Ven did as he was told and Vanitas kept their eyes locked, pressing their
foreheads together.
They didn’t say anything, simply lay together, hands clasped tight until the sun started to rise. The light bringing a heaviness to Ven’s dark lids. Vanitas held him closer and encouraged the sleep.
He might not be able to fight off the nightmares, but he can make sure they don’t plague his new sleep.

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